MSC Montenegro Inspires Next Generation of the Shipping Industry


MSC Montenegro Inspires Next Generation of the Shipping Industry


MSC Montenegro has recently signed a cooperation agreement with the Maritime Faculty in Kotor – University of Montenegro and Bar Maritime Faculty – Adriatic University, to provide internships for students of their maritime and shipping programmes. 

The cooperation will provide students of the maritime faculties with a chance to experience working in the shipping industry and to acquire practice in real-life situations - mainly within its customer services and logistics divisions, which has not previously been available in the country. MSC Montenegro is one of the few companies in the country able to provide this experience, bolstering the theoretical knowledge provided by academic education with the practical skills that young professionals in the industry need.

The main courses from which students will be recruited include Management in shipping and logistics, Nautical Studies, Marine Engineering, Maritime Sciences and Marine Electronics.

For MSC Montenegro, a growing port office in this part of Europe, this cooperation is also very significant, as it will allow the office to train and shape the next generation of those working in the shipping industry. In addition, as soon as there is need for new employment at the regional office, MSC Montenegro will be able to offer ongoing employment to graduates of the programme. It will also have positive effect on whole maritime industry in Montenegro, as it will create a pool of well-equipped candidates that will be able to easily adapt to the working environment after academic life.

Dalibor Pelevic, Managing Director of MSC Montenegro comments, “I am a former student and current PHD Candidate of Maritime Faculty Kotor University of Montenegro and have now spent 15 years working for one of the biggest shipping companies in the world. As a student it would have been really helpful to have the chance to join the industry early and understand the reality of what and why I was studying.

“I said then, if at any time I get the chance, I will provide students with the opportunities that were not available to me and my generation. Today, as Managing Director of MSC Montenegro, after 18 years I can at last ‘give back’ to my Faculty and provide the next generation with something mine lacked. Our industry needs the best students; I was of them two decades ago, and now I want to give the best ones the chance to join me and my team and enable them to get into the industry at a higher level.”

The cooperation will start this semester and MSC Montenegro looks forward to welcoming and nurturing the next generation of the shipping industry.