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MSC 秉承独特的可持续发展之道,通过身体力行,将其深刻融入我们的业务之中。

我们以联合国全球契约十项原则和《联合国商业与人权指导原则》为准绳, 将可持续发展目标纳入我们的商业策略和整体运营之中。


MSC 深知,作为连接世界的重要一环,我们要以强大的核心价值观和战略远景为推动力,恪守承诺并为构建绿色可持续发展的未来做出贡献。我们以负责任行事为傲;与各方携手共进,积极寻求有效的解决方案,从而应对当今全球所面临的以及未来数年、乃至数十年内将影响公司业务的各项挑战。

作为一家国际企业,MSC 秉持明确的奋斗目标,肩负着打造兼具弹性和可持续性的供应链的使命。我们矢志成为加速净零排放转型的催化剂,为建立包容性的全球贸易体系做出贡献。



MSC 致力于实现可持续的包容性增长和公司目标, 为所有人创造价值。


我们以可持续发展路线为准绳,积极发挥自身力量,参与构建弹性供应链,同时立足于自身坚实的基础,为员工、客户、社区和地球创造价值。在 MSC 的整个货运部门,我们以可持续发展路线和三大可持续发展重点为指导方针,积极履行“实现可持续发展”的重要承诺。

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Enabling Logistics Decarbonization

Climate action is a global imperative, requiring collective action as we navigate our journey to net zero. MSC has a key role to play in decarbonizing logistics, collaborating with others across the value chain to accelerate solutions at scale, while ensuring a just energy transition.

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Fostering Inclusive Trade

The global economy relies on transport and logistics to enable trade, generating growth and social prosperity. MSC is in a unique position to create value by connecting local communities, facilitating access to a global market and supporting customers through resilient supply chains.

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Addressing Social Challenges

We live in an interconnected world where the business of global companies connects and brings prosperity to people and societies. Advancing human rights and ensuring a just transition to a zero-carbon economy are at the heart of MSC business.

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  • 2020 Report
  • 2019 Report
  • 2018 Report