사회적 과제

우리는 글로벌 기업의 비즈니스가 연결되고 사람과 사회에 번영을 가져다 주는 상호 연결된 세상에 살고 있습니다.

인권의 발전과 무탄소 경제로의 합당한 전환은 MSC 비즈니스의 핵심을 이룹니다. 당사의 사회적 영향력은 다양한 인력을 넘어 확장되며, 지속가능한 공급망을 구축하기 위해 협력하는 비즈니스 파트너 또한 여기에 포함됩니다.

사회적 과제 해결
Advancing The Business And Human Rights Agenda
MSC works with key stakeholders to foster responsible business practices and advance human rights along the value chain.

Protecting our seafarers’ health, safety and wellbeing is a priority. We engage with cargo owners, non-governmental organisations, seafarers’ representatives and others, collaborating with customers and business partners to raise awareness of the need to address human rights standards for seafarers in Human Rights Due Diligence processes, in line with the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended.
Equipping Our Workforce For The Future
MSC’s people are our greatest asset, the source of our strength and central to our success, and we recognise the importance of investing in human capital and preparing our people for the future. We are committed to equipping our people at sea and ashore with the tools, knowledge and confidence to capitalise on opportunities emerging throughout the energy transition and our industry's ongoing evolution, including digitalisation and automation.

As our industry decarbonises, we have the responsibility to contribute to an equitable and just transition, including through the training, upskilling and reskilling of our global workforce.

A healthy and safe workplace for our people is a top priority. Our focus is on building a culture of prevention across our business and supporting the wellbeing of our global workforce.

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