Contingency Adjustment Charge – Trade from Europe and Mediterranean to Far East and Middle East


Contingency Adjustment Charge – Trade from Europe and Mediterranean to Far East and Middle East


MSC announces the following Contingency Adjustment Charge (CAC) on exports from Europe and Mediterranean ports to below destination areas.
Effective as from 01 January 2024, until further notice, the charge in US Dollars unless otherwise specified:


Port of discharge

Contingency Adjustment Charge (CAC)

20 DRY

40 DRY

Reefer Container1

Far East




Middle East (Gulf)

excluding Dammam








Jeddah &

King Abdullah Port2




MSC agencies’ standard terms and conditions apply including MSC’s standard Bill of Lading. Unless otherwise specified in MSC agencies’ standard terms and conditions.

Should you have any questions, please contact your local MSC representatives in our global network of more than 675 offices.

 1Reefer rates exclude Pharmaceutical products.

2Applicable from origins East Med, Black Sea, Greece and Türkiye